Cannot create exception
I need a solution Hello,I'm trying to create an exception for an exe, but I can't seem to do so because the add exception list needs an existing file to select. I can't select an existing file though...
View Articleinteroperability of license
I need a solution Dear Colleagues, a customer of mine require SEP but but has purchased a license for Endpoint Protection Suite. If we download the SEP instead of the Endpoint Protection Suite and...
View ArticleSEPM 14.2 Known Issues
I need a solution Hello guys, I am going to install the newest version of SEPM 14.2 (fresh installation). Just wanted to ask you are there any known issues with this version? Is it a stable...
View ArticleProcess used by various deceptions in SEP 14.X
I need a solution Hi,Does any one have a list of all the process used by various deceptors in SEP 14.XThanks. 0
View ArticleLicense is expiring - Symantec not capable to supply new one - how to switch...
I need a solution Hi there,i'm having a big problem. Our reseller cannot get new licenses for us.He says that Symantec cannot issue them right now. Our license is already expired and in trial mode (30...
View Articleclient SEP supprime proxy de IE
I need a solution bonjour;après la mise à niveau vers la version 14 RU1 MP1, client Symantec au niveau des machines clients : * supprime proxy des options de IE, malgré qu'on a ajouté le proxy...
View ArticleAnyone used SEPprep with 14.2
I need a solution Hello everyone.Have any one used SEPPrep with SEP 14.2 to remove any third party security software.When I try to push the package you always get the error. I am trying to remove...
View ArticleExporting the Default Policies in CSV file
I need a solution Hello everyone. I am trying to see if we have some KB article from Symantec that lists down the default policies available for Application and Device Control and Firewall Policies...
View ArticleFalse detection of Trojan by SEP Linux client
I do not need a solution (just sharing information) Hi all,I have a SEP client installed on SLES 12 SP3. SLES 12 is newly installed.Everything seems perfect until the scan starts.The scan detects...
View ArticleValidate database: dbvalidator.bat
I need a solution Validate database: dbvalidator.batI will update the environment from version 12.1 to version 14 and intend to use dbvalidator.bat to validate the database. If you find "Broken link...
View ArticleSQL DB relocation
I need a solution Hi all,I'm wondering is the SQL DB is able to relocate to other drive for example from C:/ drive to D:/ drive?I have a scenarioas below:-We had deployed SEPM with remote SQL Server...
View ArticleUpgrade 12 to 14 - Rollback
I need a solution Upgrade 12 to 14 - RollbackI'm planning on upgrading from SEP12 to 14 and would like to know if it crashed what would be the rollback plan?Or do not have a rollback plan? Should...
View ArticleHELP WANACRY propage mon reseau
I need a solution bonjour,le virus wanacry existe au niveau des machines et symantec n'arrive pasà le supprimer 0 wanacry.JPG
View ArticleClients not allowed to download full defiitions
I need a solution Hello all, I have a new doubt about the content update in SEP. If I am using LUA internal servers and SEPM as the sources of my content updates, and I have configured the SEPMs with...
View ArticleSEP client installation fails with error "2343 Specified path is empty"
I need a solution Hi all,Few days ago i made an upgrade of SEPM server from version 14 RU1 MP2 to 14.2. Server upgrade was smooth and without problems. Most of the clients were successfully upgraded...
View ArticleWhere I can submit hash values of suspicious files on Symantec portal
I need a solution Hi Guys,I have some suspicious hash values and I want to check them on Symantec portal to know if they are really malicious or not. I tried Virustotal but no luck at all. Submitting...
View ArticleSEP Manager scheduled report unable to print to PDF
I need a solution Scheduled report sent via email in html form. When i try to print to PDF, it always show total 1 sheet of paper.Can anyone advise how to print the entire html report in PDF...
View ArticleClient HostGUID duplicate
I need a solution How does SEP client or server behave when two identical SEP GUID tries to register to the SEP Manager?If GUID is the issue, what can I resolve to do it? I was thinking of a logon...
View ArticleSEP installed on same server as SEPM communications failure
I need a solution I recently upgraded from 14.0.1 to 14.2. Everything worked fine, except I don't get the green dot in the SEP client installed on the same server as the SEPM manager. Running the...
View ArticleSEP 14 RU1 MP1 installation error
I need a solution Hi Team,Need your help, getting below error while installing SEP client. please help[root@ip-172-27-21-77 sepfiles]# ./install.shUsage: [options]the options are:...
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