I need a solution
Hi Team,
Need your help, getting below error while installing SEP client. please help
[root@ip-172-27-21-77 sepfiles]# ./install.shUsage: install.sh [options]the options are: -i install SEP for Linux. -u uninstall SEP for Linux. --prefix <dir> install to alternate location if <dir> exists. Note, this option is only for RPM package. [root@ip-172-27-21-77 sepfiles]# ./install.sh -iStarting to install Symantec Endpoint Protection for LinuxPerforming pre-check...Error: Installation requires 32bits glibc library. Please install it and try again.Warning: X11 libraries are missing, GUI component will not be installed!Pre-check failed.[root@ip-172-27-21-77 sepfiles]#