Hi all,
Few days ago i made an upgrade of SEPM server from version 14 RU1 MP2 to 14.2. Server upgrade was smooth and without problems. Most of the clients were successfully upgraded too. I found in SEPM console that few of my clients are needing restart. After reboot i found that newest version of SEP is installed on them, but the program is actually not working. There was no SEP icon in the tray and when i tried to start program from program files, i was getting error (SEP service was started but disabled). I tried to unninstall the client on one of my clients and reinstall it again, but i've got error "Error 2343 Specified path is empty". On internet i found that with CleanWipe 14.2 tool problem will be overcome, but again installation was unsuccessful. There was no error anymore, but the installation was rolling back after few minutes.
Please advice me what i should do in order to upgrade the rest of my clients.
Thanks in advance!