Hello all,
I have a doubt about the license on the unmanged clients. Does anyone know what happens whith the unmanaged clients when the license installed on the SEPM expire? Do they need to be re-created?
My only experience with this issue is with my labs machines, and now if I create an unmanged client with the trial license, the license in the client expire and it doesn.t work fully.
I have a client with mobile employes that can be out of office for up to two years whithout going to the office, which means without connection to the SEPMs to update the license, and they have asked me what will happen with these clients at the end of the year when they have to renew the license. Do they have to connect them to the SEPM (impossible)? do they have to create a new client package when the new license is being deployed, and install it, or everything will work as expected in an unmanged client?
Kind regards,