I have used patch files to jump from a particular version of SEP client to another. This has worked well for me for some time. Last week, I applied patches to go from 5337 to 6608. The patch appeared to have behaved as expected, creating new version subdirectories, and the client showed a Windows restart was necessary to complete. This group of systems was restarted, and none of the clients started! When I went to services and attempted to start the service, I notice the program path is still 12.1.5337...I hit start (on two of them), and the shield never shows and now I cannot stop the service. These servers are all part of a mission critical app that takes a several hour downtime to complete a restart. Is there a way to fix the registry entries to point to the correct bin folder and get this started without reboots? I tried to replicate the problem using the same VM template, installer for 12.1.5, same patch file, same domain/OU/GPO, and it behaves as expected.
When starting the service, there are no errors logged in the system or app logs. I don't see error logs indicating where the patch went wrong.