I came across a situation, where there is no native way of unattended removal of a SEP client whenever it there is an uninstall password protection and tamper protection in place. In order to workaround this problem, I used powershell to parse the uninstall log and as soon as password prompt is displayed, I use WASP snap-in (http://wasp.codeplex.com/) to type the password and "hit" enter.
Below is the core of the script, which you might want to expand with all kinds of authentication, reporting, try-catch-finally, etc.
Clear-Content c:\log.log
Start-Process "msiexec" -Args "/x {F4A73EC6-EFC4-488D-AF1A-F2C3CD1BC072} /qb-! /l*v c:\log.log"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
do {
$log = Get-Content c:\log.log
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} until ($log[-2] -match "CheckUninstallPassword")
Import-Module '.\WASP.dll'
Select-Window * | Select-ChildWindow | Send-Keys "1243"
Select-Window * | Select-ChildWindow | Send-Keys "{ENTER}"