Hi, I'm new to Symantec support forums. Hoping someone out there can help me
I have SEP 12.1 RU6 MP1 installed on unit control panel HMI computer, the OS has been recently upgraded from WIndows XP SP3 tp WIndows 7 pro 64Bit
Since OS upgrade the unit control SCADA package software (Elutions Control Maestro) crashes when trying to launch the graphics files
After reading a number of exisitng posts for similar problems, I have tried to create exceptions to ignore the applications and associated folders with no success.
I have also tried to disable all functions within the Symantec software but still no luck, the only action which so far solved the problem was to fully uninstall
Symantec software (not ideal situation from cyber security perspective)
There seems to be a confilct with this specific combincation of SEP 12.1 RU6 MP1, WIndows 7 and the SCADA software
I also have an older HMI computer on site still running Windows XP SP3 which is not exhibiting any problems laucnhing the SCADA application
I would greatly appreciate any advice from other users