Hi all,
I'm working on a new implemenation of SEPM (14.0.1) along with SEP 14.0 (14.0.3897.1101).
I am unable to allow the SEPM server to connect to Symantec LiveUpdate due to network restrictions so I've implemented an LAU server with the hop i could use it to download the required updatees and then use SEPM to distribute them to the clients.
I thought we had this working in that the LAU server is able to download the content and I seem to be able to configure SEPM to download them from LAU by configuring the site LiveUpdate settings to Use a specified internal LiveUpdate server and (after some experimentation) using the URL http://IP OF LAU:7070/clu-prod. I have LAU setup to not require and testing and once I run distibution the downloaedd content ends up in that folder... all good...
However when I run Download LiveUpdate Content I get a screen full of No updates found for.... messages, in the last few days of working on this issue (the system is currently in our Test/Dev enviroment not live) I have had the system download a few files but it isnt consistent and if I alter the settigns I get Error-4 so I'm fairly certain I am accessing the folder.
I'd hoped this wa just an issue with the the products I had LUA setup for but I'm now not sure thats the issue, my clients are all running a 32Bit version of the above on Windows 7, these are locked down devices so there is little variation, I have tried a couple of products:-
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.0 (english only)
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.0 RU1 (english only) although I noted that this version is later described as Advanced Endpoint protection ?
I'm also a little concerned that in all the efforts to get this working i have soemthing out of synch as on the home screen the Latest on Manager is showing 17/09/2018 despite me having cleared out the downloaded files a number of times, is theer a way to intitalise the system without tearing it down and deleting the SQL DB ?
Any help or suggestiuons greatly appreciatyed :-)