Searching for Best Practice for copying Anti-Virus definition from Host to VM.
We have 100 laptops in Windows 7 which are getting the Anti-Virus definition update from SEPM version 12.1.6. These laptops use low bandwidth connection, most of the time offline with no internet connection.
Each laptop has a VM player installed and both the Host OS and the VM have the SEP client. Currently, Host and VM clients get the definition update from SEPM separately.
Issues we have
1. The same definition will be downloaded twice and took over an hour to update.
2. When the host connected to the SEPM to update, the VM may not be running, so only the Host updated. We have to remind users to run the VM while they are connecting to the network to get definition update.
We want the laptop only download the definition one time when the definition changes, and both host and VM are updated.
I read some articles and forum here.
1. Can I setup the Host client as the Group Update Provider (GUP) and provide definition to the VM?
2. Can I change the Virus definition location in the VM to point to the Host folder, so both Host and VM share the same definition?
3. During startup, create a script to copy the definition from host to VM?
Please provide some suggestions and what would be the best practice. If this question has been answered before, please provide a link.
Thank you!