Setup is this. Server is Windows Server 2012 running SEP 12.1.2015.2015. I have things pretty much setup (I mimiced the old SEP setup that was on a Server 2008 R2 box) and have successfully deployed packages to several servers, both Server 2012 and 2008 R2. However, I cannot successfully deploy to Windows 8 clients.
I've created a Workstations group in Clients and then start the Add a Client wizard. I choose New Package Deployment, on the next screen is selected the Windows package, Full Protection for Clients, Default Client Installation Settings, All content, and Computer mode.On the next screen I select Remote Push. Then I get the screen where I browse the network and expand the domain, revealing the clients. I select and client machine and click the arrow button to move it over. The login credentials box pops up and I enter the username of the domain administrator, its password, and the domain name, then click OK. The "testing connections" box appears for a minute or two, and then a window pops up that says the login failed.
This happens only with the Windows 8 clients. The Windows 7 clients have no problem being added as do the Server 2012 and 2008 R2 clients.
So what is it about the Windows 8 systems that isn't letting me add them? These are all on the domain and I can connect to any of them using \\hostname\c$.