Hi All,
I have seen some older posts stating that this isn't possible to schedule but I figure it may have changed since these were posted and it couldn't hurt to ask.
What I'm trying to accomplish is an automated version of the monitors logs that contains Computer name, IP, OS, etc. Ideally it would have all of this information but minimum I need the Computer name, IP, Virus definitions, and the group name.
I've built out a powershell script that will run NLTest against all machines in the CSV exported through monitors and create a new CSV comparing the site from NLTest to the Group name. I'd like to turn this into a scheduled task to run every night and send out a list to my teams email distribution showing what machines are outdated by 30+ days. In order to do this I need to find a way of automating the process of generating the computer status logs and exporting them as a CSV and so far I haven't seen any method of doing this in the scheduled repots section. I know it would be possible to do something similar by creating a script to pull all of our machines by from our SQl DB and then comparing the dates associated witht he virus definitions but at the moment that is well outside of my skill level. I was wondering if anyone had a method of automating this process or could point me in the right direction. If any other information is needed please let me know. Thanks.