Hi everyone,
This is NOT about the procedure around Changing the host name of Endpoint Protection Management server -- that works just fine and there have been multiple posts and tech notes on how to do it. The procecdure does work as described.
What I'm posting about is a post-change issue with the root certificate which as one would expect was created during the original SEPM server install under the old host name.
It appears that the SSL certificate retains the old host name even after the SEPM host name change even though there are no signs of any abnormality or defect. Everything works just fine with one exception:
One must use the old FQDN in order to hit the web GUI on SEPM (that's the xxx:9090 web interface), doing all the CNAME and other DNS finagling does not work, the browser would not allow https unless the old FQDN is used. I've testtred this with Chrome and IE and simply those browsers would not allow me to load the content of the web manager.
I either get an internal server error (screen shot) or it would load but would not populate the inside of the main page.
Is there a way around this issue?
Thank you