I have 1,xxx clients run on a SEPM server (12.1.5 with embedded DB) which occasionally crash.
Now we already have a new SEPM server (fresh install with MS SQL Server). And we want the clients from old server to report to this new server.
The company is very strict with their security policy so there're some conditions, I've tried several method but still doesn't work.
Here's what I tried.
1. Export and Import Sylink.xml
>> This works on test site, but we cannot use this method since there're 1,xxx clients and we can't access the physical client.
2. Remote push
>> Doesn't work, couldn't scan the client since the compay doesn't allow ping and network sharing.
3. From the old server, I try adding the new server as primary and then deploy this new communication.
>> I can see the client trying to connect to the new server. but got error "The request was not in the expected format"
>> Anything I need to do if I want to complete this method? Looks like the client refuse to connect to the new server.
Any advise is appreciated.