Im setting up SEP 14 from new on WINDOWS SERVER 2016, with a SERVER 2016 - SQL 2016 running the database, all within a virtual envronment. I seem to be having a problem when running the install when it comes to creating the database. I get the error Error - Preparing Datase, failed to connect to the database.
I've gone through the errors in the install_log.err file and find the error 'The CREATE DATABASE statement failed. The primary file must be at least 3072 MB to accommodate a copy of the model database' . I did originally get this error but instead of 3075 MB it wanted 1025 MB, so I had this increased. But I now get the error above.
In the previous steps before it trys to prepare the DB I can connect to the DB, so struggling to find out where it's going wrong?
Can any one help?