I had this problem before and I posted it here- SAGE200 crash's
Sage repliesare, SAGE200 crash's will be SEP12 fault, whatever, get back to drawing board setup everything again, more crashes later, more blames to SEP12...
back and forth argh... you got the picture.
I done lot of work to put the SAGE200 app. through the SEP12 whitelist.
Very recently I had another crash, a different one, got back to sage200 support team, this time the problem was with C:\Users\Santos\AppData\Roaming\Sage 200\Sage.MMS.Desktop.Common.Resources.dll
Sage is telling me again that is SEP12 fault, however SAGE team never advised me before to add that .dll to the SEP12 whitelist.
Is anyone there able to help me? I need a strong argument with SAGE team rather than just nodding at them.
Much Appreciated