I have an environment with 4 SEPM servers. several thousand clients devices with a hundred or so GUPs serving them.
we use an internal liveupdate server which distributes Symantec content updates 24h later than they are official released.
On the Symantec home tab i have worked out that only the GUPs are reporting as being "Up to date" (green) on the pie chart, and the rest are considered "out of date" (Red)
I have checked the majority of the Desktops and i have claculated aproximately 90% of them are running as up to date from what i can see.
Any idea why is this not reflected in the Endpoint status report in the home page?
I have a security status - attention needed allert on the home page and when i view the details, it says content category download problems.
when i scroll down the details window only "download protection content faileures" has its maximum acceptable failure ratio exceeded, but is still under 50% failure.
there is still a green tick next to this cateory as well which doesnt seem right considering its exceeded the maximum accepted threshold...
Any help would be much appreciated.