I need a solution
I have a requirement to install SEP on a Redhat Enterprise Linux Workstation. RHEL Workstation by default uses OpenJDK java, and SEP requires Oracle Java and the unlimited cryptography extensions.
However, when I install the current release of Oracle Java, it breaks the Gnome desktop - i.e.when you open the Gnome console, the screen comes up black. Removing Oracle Java doesn't get the screen back. (it doesn't affect ssh connections)
What needs to be done to meet the prerequisites of having Oracle Java to get SEP installed? Is there a specific recommended version of Oracle Java? (current version is 8u121)
Version numbers:
RHEL Workstation 7.1, running in a RHEV 4.0 VDI environment, Gnome v. 3
SEP 12.1.7061.6600