I am looking for more information on on Symantec Endpoint Protection for SharePoint Servers.
I am specifically looking at this product -- https://www.symantec.com/products/threat-protectio... -- is that a totaly separate product than a SEP client on a workstation/server?
We run SEP 12 on all of our workstations and servers now, but we do not have anything that specifically scans files uploaded and downloaded to SharePoint databases. I have reviewed the thread here -- http://www.symantec.com/connect/forums/sep-1212-an...
The post by ShadowsPapa is informative, but I am still curious why I need a product specifically for SharePoint? Are the uploaded/downloaded files not scanned on a users PC before they are actually put into the SharePoint database? Why would I need a different product to scan those files? I was under the impression that I can configure our SEP12 clients to scan any file that is uploaded or downloaded from client/server OS. Can someone elaborate on this?
Thanks in advance for any help.