My employer makes SEP available to their employees in another line of defense against anything bad making its way onto the corporate network. So for quite some time I've been running SEP (current version here is 12.1.6318.6100) on my home computers as unmanaged clients and things were working just fine under Windows 7. Just recently I updated my wife's computer to Windows 10 and now her EQ7 software refuses to start (click on it, the cursor spins briefly, changes back to an arrow and nothing else happens). Windows does produce an error (WER) report that in a nutshell says:
FriendlyEventName=Stopped working
AppName=EQ7 Quilt Design Software
I wrote the EQ people and described the symptoms and they wrote back to ask if I had SEP on the machine. I answered yes to which they responded that EQ7 is not compatible with SEP and that I should look into getting different antivirus software. This statement is somewhat contradicted by the fact that EQ7 was working fine alongside this same version of SEP under Windows 7. I have tried disabling SEP through the taskbar and that did not help. I have scanned the SEP logs and have not found any mention, pro or con, of EQ7.
As the EQ7 support at this point seems questionable, I'm looking for suggestions about how I might troubleshoot and fix this from the SEP end before my wife shoots me.