In LiveUpdate Administrator (LUA) 2.x a “schedule” will not run. Usually it has been running, but now, for no obvious reason, when scheduled to run, it just fails.
In the LUA interface, under Events, look for an error message similar to: “Execution for schedule <schedule_name> is skipped because already running request found for this schedule.” [sic] The Activity Monitor shows no such schedule is running.
This error message indicates that a scheduled task never closed properly, and is preventing the next scheduled run from being able to start. The hung task is not visible.
The hanging schedule can be either a Distribution task or a Download task.
Log off the LUA interface and restart the LUA host server.
If you have email alerts configured, you may receive an email like this after the restart:
-----Original Message-----
From: <LUA sending name>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012
To: Administrator
Subject: Distribution task 528 'Distribution A' has failed to complete
Total size of files in request: 7026 MB. Percentage Complete: 1%.
Elapsed: 32 hour(s),56 minute(s),31 seconds
Started: 4/22/12 5:00:01 AM CDT
Ended: 4/23/12 1:56:32 PM CDT
Further detail on the failures is provided below.
Distribution location: Default Production Distribution Center.
Failed file transfers: 246
Successful file transfers: 58
Reason for failure: File(s) could not be transferred