I found in this folder : Chenage for whatever SEP version as -SEPVersionNumber12345-
C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\SEPVersionNumber12345\Data\Definitions\IPSDefs
In several versions including the latest, the IPSDefs folder keep the old definitions, not deleting after new one is installed.
I wonder if is needed and why SEP is not able to delete the previous ones.
Looks like the only needed definition is the last one, avalaible in:
Example list :
07/04/16 04.58 <DIR> 20160406.011
08/04/16 05.09 <DIR> 20160407.011
09/04/16 06.17 <DIR> 20160408.011
12/04/16 08.31 <DIR> 20160411.011
13/04/16 09.31 <DIR> 20160412.011
14/04/16 10.38 <DIR> 20160413.011
15/04/16 10.46 <DIR> 20160414.011
16/04/16 11.45 <DIR> 20160415.011
19/04/16 13.59 <DIR> 20160418.011
20/04/16 03.07 <DIR> 20160419.011
21/04/16 04.11 <DIR> 20160420.011