Dear All,
I am trying to install Symantec on remote computer using Client Remote.exe
1 . Finally SEP is installed on server, but the Log show not installed, could you advise ?
04/18/2016 23:13:26:065 SEPprep starting!
04/18/2016 23:13:26:284 Attempting to run: Autopcc.exe
04/18/2016 23:13:26:409 Exit code: 0
04/18/2016 23:13:26:409 Attempting to run: SEPsetup.exe /s /v"/qn /l*v "C:\Windows\TEMP\\SEP_INST.LOG" IDCENABLE=0"
04/18/2016 23:14:16:591 Exit code: 0
04/18/2016 23:14:16:591 Symantec Endpoint Protection is NOT installed.
04/18/2016 23:14:16:591 Added tool to local system RunOnce key, please reboot to run tool again.
04/18/2016 23:14:16:591 SEPprep stopping!
2. Also when i use the same SEPprep for remove Mcafee & VSE, its removing VSE and not removing Mcafee Agent ?
SEP - 12.1.6 , Mcafee agent - 5.0.2 , Mcafee VSE - 8.8