Yesterday i installed a software from a website, which, unfortunatelly, was malicious. Laater some unusal things happen in my pc (like chome closed so). I Checked the Maintance and Secrurity and found tha SEP is snoozing. I tried to activate it, but it said "You cannot activate Symantech. This action is blocked by SEP administrator."
Later i decided unsintall Symantech Endpoint Protetion and gowith basic windows defender, but whenever i try to uninstall it, i get an error like " Fatal Error occured could not uninstall file". Later i installed CleanWipe tried with it. But it said
"15:28:48 FATAL Fatal error: Could not copy file C:\Users\MyPC\AppData\Local\Temp\7zOC1F338FC\CleanWipe.db to C:\WINDOWS\Temp\CleanWipe_201601311528318\CleanWipeState.db.
15:47:52 FATAL . Error code: 2 (0x2): The system cannot find the file specified."
When i try to repair it, i get some fatal error message as well.
I run "smc -stop" with win+R to activate windows deffender, but it did not do any change.
Later i typed start smc stop in the command propmt, it didnot work as well.
Could you say, what would solve all these issues here?
My I am using Win 10, my SEP is vesion 12.1.63