We successfully upgraded from SEP SBE 12.0 ->SEP 12.1 RU1-> SEP 12.1 RU1 MP1 on server.
Now when we try to deploy clients using Push method, in the wizard we specify :
- Initial settings : 'No restart'
The clients are installed successfully ,however , on the client machines, in 'Change settings-> Client Management Settings-> Configure Reboot Options->' it shows :
- in 'Restart Type' the settings are 'Prompt and allow snooze up to Scheduled time' chosen,
-'Hard restart' and 'Restart immediately if the user is not logged in' marked in 'Other Options'
-and in 'Restart Computer' goup boz, 'At this time' 'Today 3:00:00AM'
Obviously we planned to have a settings like "Do not restart ' during our client Push.
What could be wrong? Any idea?
Thank you in advance